12/13/2024 Added a splash for my shrines, as well as the 1st version of my Unicorno shrine
11/29/2024 Made updates page fancy 🐸, fixed up the collections page
11/19/2024 It's been a while! I have done a few slight updates in the past month or so, but never added anything to this updates section. This update is solely just a cosmetic change, but I wanted to add to this updates wall, and also I'm p proud of the main look I have going on. Blog post coming soon, I hope?
10/15/2024 Added my Site information page! More to come for that page as well!
10/8/2024 Fixed up some broken links, added the shrine for my cat Leo!
10/3/2024- Hello! It's been a while since I updated. I am proud of where my site is currently at; even though it is definitely half baked!!! I wanted to push this update in lieu of perfectionisim, since I can only see the idea of publishing it getting more daunting as time goes on. Lol I added a blog (via Zoner)! And scrapped the landing pageAs well as some other unfinished and broken links
8/12/2024- Attempted to touch up the 'paint' of my homepage, definitely subject to change! I made my landing page less complex! Added a new 404 page, a button wall, and my two favorites, my about me and my links! I am also trying to get better at documenting changes!
07/28/2024- I added a landing page then I FINALLY figured out my homepage's first official version! I think I've said that a few times already, but I mean it this time. It's responsive now! There's still a lot more that needs reworked, but now I feel as if I have the base I needed to grow the site out! small update 7/29: added the start of my button wall!